Culture, Lifestyle

Thee Book of Lawrence Part 2

19 Sep , 2018  

HBO’s “Insecure” has become a classic.  Tons of professionals tune in every Sunday evening to watch Issa Rae and company live their lives and learn life lessons.  We previously wrote about the hero and legend “Lawrence” played by @jayellis. See Lawrence is a serial monogamist and overall good guy.  Women generally hate him, and men generally relate to him.  Now that he has made his much anticipated return to the show, many fans including myself wonder whether he will be repositioned to help or be hurt by Issa. I made the following observations based on the first full episode of this season featuring our good comrade Lawrence.  These thoughts can be processed and applied in our everyday lives and serve as a knowledge base for all good guys in Merica.

Lawrence is living his best life but is still #teamgoodguy.

In the cutaway scenes we learn that Lawrence is doing well on the career front and has been living his best life as it pertains to the ladies.  He is racking up numbers, enjoying his career and making some good money.  With all of the benefits he still desires monogamy and a good woman to grow with.  Most women will say he is going through a heau phase.  I say he is just passing time until his true Queen pops on the scene.  The question remains who will that be?

Women dislike Lawrence because he reminds them of the good guy that they gave up on and regretted.

Most women I speak to say “I don’t understand why you like Lawrence” “why do you support him” “he was a bum on the couch” but neglect to mention the fact that Lawrence was going through a rough patch.  We all have ups and downs, but emotional and social intelligence dictates that we communicate open and honestly while showing empathy.  If you hate that Lawrence has a great job and decent dating life, its because you probably feel like Lawrence reminds you of an ex or an old flame.  I don’t wish bad on Issa, but her sleeping on Daniel’s couch has nothing to do with Lawrence’s pure heart.  Let’s starting telling the truth (Will Smith in Concussion voice).

Lawrence will provide Issa the same support she could not provide to him when the roles were reversed.

When Lawrence and Issa saw each other that the baby shower, he offered to help her put together her event.  His willingness to talk her through the logistics and pitfalls of large scale event planning could be perceived in a number of ways.  On one hand it could mean that he wants to genuinely help, which is my belief.  Others may say he is self-serving and wants to show Issa how much she needs him.  Regardless of what you believe, you have to acknowledge that it is unlikely that Issa would have been willing to support him if he wanted to throw an event while unemployed or underemployed.  One of the double standards men face is the mandate to provide at all costs.  Women can assert their independence one week and assert traditional gender norms the next.  Issa stands to benefit from the same circumstances that she condoned not too long ago.  Whether it is right or wrong, its another example of the decency of Lawrence.

As the last few episodes progress, we will track the relationship between these parties.  Till then, drop a comment below and let us know if we got this right.

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