Culture, Lifestyle, Politics

From America’s Dad to PA state prison: Power and Race in Merica

27 Sep , 2018  

For years Bill Cosby was  “America’s Dad.” The “Cosby Show” “Kids Say the Darnest Things” Jell-O, “Ghost Dad and critique of black Merica kept him in the spotlight.  Now he is a convicted felon headed to PA state prison. Some people are rejoicing, others are crying foul. The lesson should be the same, the standards and laws applied to black men will usually do what they are suppose to: procure convictions and punishment accordingly whether it be an innocent man or guilty one, the outcome is usually the same.

The initial case against Billy C was brought to light in 2004, but a civil suit resulted after the prosecution declined to pursue criminal charges. For reasons unclear to me, the prosecution filed criminal charges in 2015 and used evidence from the civil suit in that criminal sexual assault case. A wise woman named itsJazze stated that money and power doesnt buy you carte blanche in the world. I’ll take it a step further and say those things dont buy men of color that pass. Some of the most famous men and women in our culture have been imprisoned rightly or wrongly for everything from tax evasion (Wesley) to stealing their own memorabilia (OJ). No amount of money or power can protect us. No amount of integration or respectability will immunize us either.

OJ and Bill are examples of POCs who were deemed harsh assimilation advocates who lost their sense of culture.  They strayed too far from the cause and the ghetto fabric. In the end they were brought back to reality and reminded of their race and place. I’ll leave you with this: as a man of color you have a duty to yourself, family, and then your peoples (in that order) to be the best and truest version of yourself.  If you identify with your native culture do all you can to prop it up in a positive light. Use your platform to advocate for the right and call out the things you dislike about our people. But absolutely positively do not think that ghetto passes become full immunity in the court of public opinion. Charlie Sheen and Trump get to keep shows in syndication and high positions of power.  OJ and Billy C are not those guys and should not be equivocated as such.  The outcome usually won’t be the same.

I’ll update once this Harvey Weinstein situation plays out.

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